LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapy and You
Why work with a LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist?
We at Divergent Path Wellness imagine a world in which all therapy is affirming therapy.
That being yourself doesn't always come with a guarantee of being honored and supported... there is so much wrong with that. You deserve informed, affirming therapy.
While the world isn't always as affirming as we would like it to be, the reality is:
Being your authentic self can be brutal.
Our LGBTQIA+ affirming therapists at Divergent Path Wellness can help you address issues related to identity. Seeking self-acceptance and self-discovery? We're here for it.
We love helping people discover what resonates to support you in finding belonging within yourself and your community: that's a huge part of what we do.
It's also completely okay if your reason for seeking therapy isn't obviously related to gender or sexuality. Queer folks, like people of all identities, struggle with confidence, relationships, disparaging thoughts and big moods.
If you're on this page now, chances are you've been:
Struggling with uncertainty
Yearning for understanding
Censoring your truth
Feeling disconnected, even (sometimes especially) in company
We see you. When you're working with us it is 100% okay to be irritated that the world is what it is (making the need for a page like this one a thing at all), or rageful, or whatever you feel in the moment. Feelings are welcome and valid. All bodies, identities, and feelings welcome.
We're in your corner to help you find an anchor in the storm of painful feelings and thoughts, connect with what matters, and create a life that works for you.
There are real challenges. Therapy doesn't change that impossibly awful stuff happens, or that people subscribe to things that hurt you. Mad, sad, and WAY more complex feelings than that: they all make sense.
We are with you to weather the storm and help you connect with and grow what nourishes you.
The team at Divergent Path Wellness takes LGBTQIA+ support personally.
In addition to being therapists we are researchers (Hannah's dissertation is in queer clinical competencies), advocates (Helen is a contributor in efforts to improve care for TGNB elders), as well as allied and queer-identified humans.
A gorgeous fantasy is that people (all of them) are going to be in your corner and the world will be kinder. We'd like all therapists to help people navigating gender dysphoria, homophobic, and transphobic relationship dynamics to be equipped to support you through it. That may not be realistic. We'd like it to be, but then we turn on the news. Can we give you permission to turn off the news and stop scrolling as needed? Let's do that. Permission granted.
We can help you navigate thoughts and feelings. Working with your therapist at Divergent Path Wellness, you'll discover places and relationships in which you can show up fully, creating more delicious moments of feeling connected and seen. Imagine yourself with the newfound freedom to be comfortably you.
Let's introduce you to your future self: unapologetic, queer and confident. Whether you radiate rainbow or your vibe is more subdued; we're here to support you through life's challenges and celebrate what makes you you. Schedule your free consultation today.